蘇黎世教堂中的玻璃花窗瑞士蘇黎世大教堂(Grossmünster Zurich)是觀光客旅行至蘇黎世時必參觀的景點之一,這座莊嚴隆重的教堂於 1220 年完工。教堂為羅曼式(Romanesque)建築,是瑞士德語區重要的宗教改革所在地。Mar 31, 2021Mar 31, 2021
Muse, we s’amuse — Tilda Swinton她是藝術家、導演、劇作家、影像創作者的繆思,她除了啟發他們、作爲他們的紅粉知己、也是他們的終生摯友。她是德瑞克賈曼(Derek Jarman)電影的當家花旦;也是道格·阿提肯(Doug…Jul 24, 2020Jul 24, 2020
埃里克·波特萊爾(上)今天要介紹的藝術家是埃里克·波特萊爾(Eric Baudelaire),他去年獲得了法國第十九屆的馬塞爾·杜象獎(Prix Marcel Duchamp)。May 27, 2020May 27, 2020
Ephemeral “Wetland”“Wetland” exists in the ambiguity between wet and dry states. Within the designated five-hour duration of the exhibition, its temporary…May 25, 2020May 25, 2020
Art in the Anthropo(s)ceneTaipei Biennial 2014 answers if, differently from other human products, artworks can transcend the exchange values of consumerism and…Apr 14, 2020Apr 14, 2020
Chou Yu-Cheng’s Malaise of Modernity“Chou Yu-Cheng: Refresh, Sacrifice, New Hygiene, Infection, Clean, Robot, Air, Housekeeping, www.ayibang.com, Cigarette, Dyson, Modern…Apr 4, 2020Apr 4, 2020